1. Description: The VFW Department of Rhode Island and North Kingston Post 152 each award A sea Cadet of the Year. Entries must be submitted by 1 March of the calendar year.
2. Eligibility: Sea Cadets in grades of PO3 through CPO and Midshipmen.
3. Criteria:
• Good academic standing
• Satisfactory progress in the cadet program
• Outstanding achievement in community service and/or the cadet program
• Outstanding leadership in the cadet program
• High moral character
• Exceptional professionalism in appearance and actions (Officer Award)
• Outstanding military bearing and conduct in and out of uniform (NCO Award)
• Involvement in patriotic programs, drill team, color guard, etc.
• Demonstrated potential and willingness to assume higher levels of responsibility
4. Administration: The award recipient will be selected by the individual’s Unit Commanding Officer. A business letter with attached justification addressing the criteria will be submitted to the Post Commander via email at cmd@vfw152.org or postal mail: PO Box 1653, North Kingstown, RI 02852
Each unit is encouraged to submit ONE cadet for this award.
5. The awardee will receive A medal pendant with a matching ribbon. The ribbon is 11/2 inches in length, 1/2 inch in width, and white with purple and gold. The pendant is authorized to be worn on the Sea Cadet Uniform. A citation suitable for framing and a cash award.